I live in Brainerd, Minnesota where I lead a Qigong Practice Groups and offer workshops & classes. I lead a practice group at the Pillager First Lutheran Church in Pillager, Minnesota 11 am Wednesday mornings beginning April 3, 2019
Available services include: in-person healing sessions, phone healing sessions, distance healing sessions, life coaching, personal instruction sessions, classes, workshops, & programs for the workplace. I am willing to travel and work with groups of any size.
I believe it is my life purpose to help you bring balance, energy, emotional freedom, health, & joy to your daily life.
I am a Practitioner Level Member of the National Qigong Association & have certifications in Qigong healing and practice from Moongate Healing Tao & Spring Forest Qigong.
I've been actively practicing Qigong since 2007 although I have been meditating and using my healing gifts my entire life.
I am a Certified Animal Massage Therapist as well as certified in Tellington Touch TT. I am a professional animal behavior consultant. I also have extensive experience with essential oils and their use for balancing physical, spiritual, and emotional energy as a compliment to Qigong.
A little more about me...
I have been meditating since I was 3 years old. At least that's how the story goes. I was often found laying down in the tall grass where I spent quite a bit of time. I was only 3 or 4 when my parents asked what I was doing. I told them quite clearly that I was in "my meadow meditating." Perhaps, this is something that came with me from a past life?
I wasn't a very healthy child. I always suffered breathing and orthopedic problems. These challenges shaped my personality as much as anything.
In the 5th grade a substitute teacher gave me an illustrated copy of Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching. I was fascinated. I loved the book so much she allowed me to keep it when I tried to return it to her. In high school, the school librarian from Latvia, Ina Preditis, turned me on to Thoreau & Emerson. I spent the next several years learning Transcendental Meditation which was quite popular then and hand copying the works of Emerson & Thoreau. During this time I was also active in the International Order of Job's Daughters learning mystery school wisdom and Masonic values. I studied the Catholic and Lutheran Catechism alongside my schoolmates but attended Sunrise United Methodist Church in Mounds View, MN where Reverend Roderick McDonald taught us meditation, global prayer & healing, and 12 step philosophy.
In my first few years of college I was fortunate enough to study Comparative World Religions with Robert Skottegard at Anoka-Ramsey Community College. The philosophy I learned there opened up vast worlds later in college where I studied Zen Buddhism and studied with Tai Sophia's John G. Sullivan. During this time I was also introduced to the Atlantic Ocean and Blue Ridge Mountains. Nature has always had a profound effect of me. I worshiped with Buddhists, Quakers, & Moravians while being handed one difficult life lesson after another.
Then, I moved to Alaska. Life lessons continued but, it seemed for every challenge there was a hidden blessing.. One of the challenges I faced during this time was a significant health challenge. I was scheduled for surgery and decided to postpone surgery ultimately cancelling the surgery. I healed myself with meditation, nutrition, and homeopathics. That incident gave me the confidence to trust myself and to trust the power of nature. I connected withe the Antrhoposophical Soceity and pursued my interest in meditation and related disciplines I studied Eurythmy and educational body work to help my children. Then, one day, I decided to take a class in Tai Chi at the local health club. I'd always been interested, but I didn't realize just how much my life would change. Everything changed! I learned Tai Chi from Wendy DeGraffenreid of Moongate Healing Tao. She incorporated Qigong, healing meditation, and 5-element theory into her lessons. I studied the work of Master Jou Tsung Hwa and listened carefully to her teachings of her teacher LaoMa of Black Bamboo Pavillion in NC.
After 35 years in Alaska, I decided it was time to return back to Minnesota to be near family and find the support I needed. I was researching Qigong online and ran into Spring Forest Qigong. I read Born a Healer in one sitting. I've been practicing and studying SFQ ever since. I would like to make a return to that supportive community by sharing this gift of Qigong. Currently, I am practicing with an online group "Energy in Motion" with Sue Crites. It's my Qi family.
On a practical level, Qigong has helped me lose nearly 100 pounds, get off of insulin, maintain a higher level of energy, and cope with the emotional and cultural tides that are buffeting Americans. My goal is to live to 109! I have ancestors who have. I do my Qigong EVERYDAY!
On a practical level, Qigong has helped me lose nearly 100 pounds, get off of insulin, maintain a higher level of energy, and cope with the emotional and cultural tides that are buffeting Americans. My goal is to live to 109! I have ancestors who have. I do my Qigong EVERYDAY!
Why Jade Squirrel?

and are in tune with nature. They are little Qi Masters! Squirrels have been a part of my life since early childhood. They are my totem and spirit animal. Still smiling? That's the point. I wanted to name my practice something that would elicit a happy feeling and a smile. Did you know the average lifestapn of a gray squirrel in Minnesota is 23 years? Longer than most pet dogs & cats.
Here's a little more about Squirrels:
If Squirrel has made it’s presence known in your life…
It is often a message for us to have more fun. Most likely we’ve been so busy taking life so seriously that we have forgotten that play is important too. On another note squirrel can also be signaling that we have to take a look at practical matters such as retirement, insurance, or even simple repairs. Are we adequately prepared?
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pink jade squirrel |
A visit from Squirrel could also indicate that you need lighten your load of things that are unnecessary. Things that you have gathered in the past and may be cluttering your life such as thoughts, worries, and stresses.
If Squirrel is one of your Totem Animals…
You are often resourceful and have a way of manifesting all the things you need in the present and for the future. You like to be prepared for all occasions and are ready to socialize at any given moment. People with squirrel energy are very good at balancing their lives with work and play.
Squirrel people tend to be a little erratic at times, often trying to do many things at once. Take the time to stop and listen to your inner self and focus on one thing at a time.
Squirrel Associations
- Activity
- Preparedness
- Awareness
- Socializing
- Playful
- People should do rather than watch
- Be active in life
- Are you planning for the future: time, money, energy? Gathering and not giving?
- Balance your energy.
- Resourcefulness
But JADE? Why Jade Squirrel?

Growing up, my dad had a collection of jade from all over the world. It comes in many, many different colors not just green. But, I still think of green when I think jade. Green is the color of the Wood Element and the Liver. It is the color of health and the woods where I love to meditate. It is the oxidized color of my favorite metal, copper. And, jade itself has many life affirming, healing qualities. So, of course - Jade Squirrel!
Symbolic energy and beauty, the traditional and the modern are combined in jade in a particularly harmonious way. And in gemstone therapy it is said that jade 'stimulates creativity and mental agility on the one hand, while also having a balancing and harmonising effect.' So this beautiful gemstone brings us joy, vivacity and happiness all at the same time – and what, in our times, could we possibly need more?